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Software House

My experience at 2Mundos was where I had the opportunity to experience various aspects of design, and it was a very enriching experience for my professional journey. 2Mundos is a Software House, which means having contact with different clients and projects. 

Among the projects I worked on while I was there, the following stand out: financial SaaS, system for telecommunications management, relationship app, interactive educational app, mobile game, management system for universities, and internal initiatives, such as a weather forecast app . This experience brought me a lot closer to developers, which helped me to improve my technical understanding.

Bolão UOL

Responsibilities: game design, UI design, UX design


This project was for one of the largest media companies in Brazil, UOL. The client’s objective was to create what we call in Brazil a Bolão, which is nothing more than a system of guessing in soccer games, where correct guesses increases your score in a ranking. The goal was to strengthen the sports division of UOL and compete with a fantasy game from another company.


The design was entirely based on Material Design guidelines and the technical solution was implemented through Unity technology, which allowed us unlimited creativity in interactive elements and gamification, and helped me to better understand the workflow in a game.

Hey Weather

Responsibilities: UI design, code development


Hey Weather was an internal company project where some people came together to better explore the context of an end-to-end product and exchange experiences between areas to better understand each other’s challenges. In other words, developers were involved in all phases of design, and designers sat closely to developers during implementation, until publication on the App Store. It was a project developed in Ionic.


Responsibilities: UI design


Stratify was a product intended for Telecom companies to manage their internet operations, including real-time tracking of internet data points, making any unavailability quickly mitigated.

001 dashboard-v1


Responsibilities: UI design, UX design


TrueRev was a project that I had the opportunity to work since the beginning. It is a B2B SaaS intended to help companies from order to cash, including invoicing, revenue recognition, deferred revenue and Quickbooks integration. I was working very closely to the founders who were based in California, learning everything I could about accounting. It was a big challenge and it’s a project that I’m very proud of.


Responsibilities: UI design


Relationup was a platform to connect people struggling with their relationships with professional advisors to get advice. Each purchased credit corresponded to 15 min in the chat, where the user could talk about anything. If needed, more credits could be used to extend the conversation. In this project, I designed some of the features and participated on every design critique.